Complaints policy
It is the policy of EcoCorp UK Limited to provide high quality installations to all our customers. To do this, we need you to give us any comments about our service and to tell us when we get things wrong.
We aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. Any dissatisfaction with our services we treat as a complaint. We listen to your complaint, take them seriously and learn from them so that we can continue to improve our services.
Our policy covers:
The standards of the service we provide
The behaviour of our staff
Any action or lack of action by staff affecting an individual or group.
Respecting your home and property.
Our policy does not cover:
Comments about our policies or policy decisions
Dissatisfaction with our policies or decisions about individual cases.
Matters that have already been fully investigated through the complaint’s procedure.
Anonymous complaints
Our standards for handling complaints.
We treat all complaints seriously
Customers will always be treated with fairness.
We will acknowledge receipt of a complaint and within seven working days.
We will send you a full reply within eight weeks of receipt
If we cannot respond in eight weeks, we will send you an email explaining why we cannot answer and when it is likely that we will answer.
We will not discriminate
Third party reporting
Complainants may wish to have a third-party act on their behalf.
A third party is any person or organisation acting on behalf of or making enquiries for the complainant.
Representatives may include:
advice organisations
professionals such as social workers, community psychiatric nurses or doctors, solicitors, family members or friends
MPs and elected members of the Council – customers’ own MPs and elected members are assumed to have consent to act and information can be disclosed in response to their enquiries,
Attorneys are legally empowered to act on behalf of the complainant and consent to disclose information is not required.
Where a third party is helping a complainant with a particular complaint and written authority is held to that effect, if the representative asks to be kept informed of progress on the complaint all possible steps will be taken to ensure that this happens
All complaints will be dealt with confidentially and in accordance with the requirements of the data protection act 1998.
To file a complaint chose from the following:
P: 07305206265 – complaints number
M: 4 Thurland Street, Nottingham, NG1 3DR
Thank you